
The conference starts at 9 a.m. every morning.

The conference will be held in person but it will also be available online and in live all week with the following zoom link.

Here you will find the current version of the whole schedule in pdf and below a day by day schedule.

Monday, April 24
9h-9h20Welcome coffee
9h20-9h30Introduction of the organizers
ChairmanOffer Kella
9h30-10h10 Mike Harrison
Drift control of high-dimensional RBM: A computational method based on neural networks
10h10-10h50Rami Atar
A Skorohod problem for the heat equation and particle systems with selection
10h50-11h10Coffee break
11h10-11h50Sebastian Andres
RBM meets RCM
11h50-12h30Krzysztof Burdzy
On the spine of Fleming-Viot process
ChairmanJohn Hasenbein
15h-15h40Jim Dai
Asymptotic steady-state independence for generalized Jackson networks in multi-scale heavy traffic
15h40-16h20Krzysztof Debicki
Extremes of reflected Gaussian processes
16h20-16h40Coffee break
RBM and Queueing Theory: An Early History
17h20-17h50Ruth Williams
Biochemical reaction networks and reflecting diffusion processes
Tuesday, April 25
ChairmanGuy Fayolle
9h-9h40 Mireille Bousquet Mélou
On the stationary distribution of reflected Brownian motion in a wedge
9h40-10h20Onno Boxma
Workload analysis of a two-queue fluid polling model
10h20-10h40Coffee break
10h40-11h20Xinyun Chen
Asymptotic product-form stationary distributions for reflected Brownian motions
11h20-12hGregory Schehr
Universal order statistics for random walks
ChairmanFrank Kelly
15h-15h40Kavita Ramanan
Pathwise differentiability of reflected diffusions
15h40-16h10Martin Reiman
Parallel Server Systems under an Extended Heavy Traffic Condition
16h10-16h30Coffee break
16h30-17hJose Blanchet
Asymptotic Control of Centralized Dynamic Matching Markets with General Utilities
17h-17h30Maury Bramson
Positive Recurrent Semimartingale Reflecting Brownian Motion with Divergent Fluid Paths
17h30-18hIoannis Karatzas
Competing diffusive particle systems and models of large equity markets
19h30Conference Dinner
Wednesday, April 26
ChairmanAleks Mijatovic
9h00-9h20Ben Estevez
Load Balancing in Parallel Queues and Rank-based Diffusions
9h20-9h40Miha Bresar
Brownian motion with asymptotically normal reflection in unbounded domains: from transience to stability
9h40-10hAndreas Nessmann
Asymptotics of Random Walks in the Quarter Plane
10h-10h20Coffee break
10h20-10h40Benjamin Housley
Extended Lévy’s Theorem for a Two-Sided Reflection
10h40-11hZhiqiang Zhang
Routing in a Queueing Loss Model under Imperfect Classifications
11h-11h20Jin Guang
Uniform Moment Bounds for Generalized Jackson Networks in Multi-scale Heavy Traffic
11h20-11h40Coffee break
11h40-12hRoyi Jacobovic
The moments of polynomial functionals in Levy-driven queues
12h-12h20Charlie Hérent
An inverse Pitman’s theorem for a space-time brownian motion in a type A^1_1 Weyl chamber
14h30Excursion to Ile de batz
Departure: Les Vedettes de l’Ile de Batz. Quai Neuf.
18h30Poster session at the Gulf Stream Hôtel
Miha Bresar
Brownian motion with asymptotically normal reflection in unbounded domains: from transience to stability
Khalifa Es-Sebaiy
Wasserstein bounds in the CLT of the MLE for the drift coefficient of a stochastic partial differential equation
Jules Flin
Reflected Brownian Motion in a wedge :sum-of-exponential absorption densities
Jin Guang

Uniform Moment Bounds for Generalized Jackson Networks in Multi-scale Heavy Traffic
Maxence Petit
Reflected Brownian motion, transient case and asymptotics of Green functions
Zhiqiang Zhang
Routing in a Queueing Loss Model under Imperfect Classifications
Thursday, April 27
ChairmanPeter Lakner
9h-9h30Masakiyo Miyazawa
Palm problems arising in BAR approach
9h30-10h10Cristina Costantini
Obliquely reflecting diffusions in curved, nonsmooth domains
10h10-10h40Coffee break
10h40-11h20David Lipshutz
Sensitivity analysis of reflected Brownian motion
11h20-12hZhen-Qing Chen
Convergence of reflected Browinian motions on generalized Sierpinski carpets
ChairmanFrançois Chapon
15h-15h40Amber Puha
Scaling Limits for Shortest Remaining Processing Time Queues
15h40-16h20Mihai Gradinaru
Lévy driven non-linear Langevin type equations
16h20-16h40Coffee break
16h40-17hIsao Sauzedde
CLT for reflecting Brownian motion in generalized parabolic domains
17h-17h20Jodi Dianetti
Multidimensional singular control and related Skorokhod problem: sufficient conditions for the characterization of optimal controls
17h20-17h40Will FitzGerald
Reflected Brownian motions and random growth models
Friday, April 28
ChairmanBaris Ata
9h-9h40 Michel Mandjes
Lévy driven queues: the workload correlation function is positive, decreasing and convex
9h40-10h20Sara Mazzonetto
Parameter estimation for skew/sticky BM
10h20-10h40Coffee break
10h40-11h20Josh Reed
RBM with Drift in a Wedge
11h20-12hTomoyuki Ichiba
Degenerate Competing Three-Particle Systems
1:45 p.m. or 4:50 p.m.Shuttle to Paris